Min as a vocalist is far from being an R&B or show offy vocalist. She generally sticks to a limited amount of range and skill and shows off more on the dancing aspect of her vocal performances. When given the chance, she shows that she isn’t one to try and sing things she isn’t capable of, such as vocal runs. When approaching vocal runs, Min sounds like a beginner who is very conscious of what she’s doing. She sings vocal runs slowly, note by note and carefully in order to hit every single note with accuracy, even if then causing the runs to become robotic and lack smoothness, such as in “Poison” and “Stuck“. When attempting faster vocal runs, however, it is possible to hear that Min lacks the proper note separation, support, muscle memory and control necessary to create smooth, accurate and faster vocal runs, such as in “Take A Bow“, “Stickwitu” and “Stuck“.
Debuting as a JYP artist after years of training as a member of Miss A in 2010, Min is the perhaps best known for her personality and powerful dancing, more so than her singing. She has, however, been given more highlight as a lead vocalist of Miss A this year, as so announced in “King Of Mask Singer (복면가왕)” and “Go All The Way (끝까지 간다)”. As it so turns out, Miss A isn’t a vocally focused group and for the most part without any official main nor lead vocalists roles. As a dance group, the actual average skill of the vocalists, even including the rapper Jia, is quite close together. However, when putting each vocalist against one another, it is possible to hear differences that make Min the member of Miss A with the strongest vocal technique, even if by very little. Min’s voice may be narrow in range, but she is able to produce tone with a light bright sound and a girly voice, most notably shining with her range in a Soprano range, even if that range may still be underdeveloped.
Her lower range isn’t quite so developed but she is able to produce enough support and connect her lower range well enough to produce tone even below her supported range. Her support is mostly more stable and present when singing in a range that extends down to A3 and Bb3, such as in “Poison“, where she’s able to keep a connected sense of support and pitch without issues with keeping a legato line. Below A3 however, Min shows issues with keeping a well connected smooth legato line, with instability in tone and less present support, such as the G#3 in “Take A Bow“. Even though support below A3 isn’t present, she’s still able to carry tone below A3 with a decent amount of projection and projection, such as in “Stuck“.
Sbs Star] Video:
In terms of her mixed voice, if compared to every other member of Miss A, Min has the strongest balance of head and chest voice muscle development in her mixed voice. Not only that, she is the only member who’s able to not only keep a stable larynx up to A4, but also is the only member who’s got an understanding of breath support. If compared to members like Fei and Suzy, their mixed voices are very head-dominant in mixing and tend to sound very soft in tone. Not only that, but they also sing with a lot airiness throughout their ranges and generally sound quite unstable with pitch, lacking a centered pitch in their voices. Member Fei actually sings with a slightly raised larynx even as low as A4, even though the strain is minimized by the lightness of her mix, whereas Suzy sings with a stable larynx and weak support, with disconnected vocal cords, airiness and instability, making her the second strongest vocalist in Miss A, after Min.
Min’s mixed voice, for a Soprano, is quite limited in range and support. She’s able to show a decent amount of support throughout her mixed voice up to A4, showing support on G#4’s such as in “Hush“, being able to phrase multiple A4’s with some support, such as in “마지막 잎새” and “다른 남자 말고 (Only You)“, or sustained A4’s such as in “8282” and “인형의 꿈“. Support is still present when hitting phrased Bb4’s, even tightness might exist in her throat, such as in “Goodbye Baby“. Min’s support however still is shallow and therefore creates a thin weak tone. She however shows an effort to try and support her voice by her tone production and quality, showing the least strain and the most stable larynx in the group. Instead of lacking support as a whole, her throat simply becomes closed and her voice small, as opposed to how Suzy sings with a bright tight high larynx sound, such as in “멍하니” and Fei with her C5 in “Troublemaker“. Even then, Min shows signs of vocal strain, a high larynx and a closed throat above Bb4, such as the B4 in “Poison” and “하나부터 열까지“, C5’s in “Hush” and “8282“, as well as the multiple Eb5’s in “I Caught Ya“. Min however isn’t a highlighted vocalist in Miss A and the general repertoire they’re given isn’t very vocally challenging, so she is rarely required to sing above a C5, keeping her in a comfortable range but limiting her vocal growth.
Her falsetto register is often used a way to avoid mixing and is often transitioned into without many issues or sloppiness. She’s able to go back and forth between her mixed voice and falsetto in order to minimize vocal strain and does so often, such as the Eb5’s in “I Caught Ya“. Her falsetto can be transitioned into early in her range, even as low as B4, such as in “Goodbye Baby” and she has shown that she can transition and control her pitch even higher in range, however above B4 her falsetto often becomes even airier, more disconnected and tighter in sound, such as the F5’s in “마지막 잎새” and the F#5 in “이 밤의 끝을 잡고“. With this, it is possible to hear that Min is incapable of properly using breath support alongside connected vocal cords to create a connected head voice.
Secret's Vocal Analysis: Jieun
Musically, Miss A’s vocalists show a lot of limitations in terms of vocal dynamics. Although Min is the one vocalist with the strongest mixed voice, she still lacks the full control of her mixed voice and voice overall to be able to create different dynamics, use proper support and resonance to create a build up in her vocal performances. As a whole, Miss A rely on dance-heavy performances and their ballad performances tend to be sung with softness, lacking power, volume and difference in tone and quality. Min’s voice is no different, as it lacks enough support and development to truly capture the full message of a song by translating its dynamic changes throughout. Her voice is generally placed in her nose, showing that she is not able to lift her soft palate nor sing with an opened throat to create a better placed voice or produce resonance.
It is important to notice that Miss A was never supposed to be a vocal group and unlike many vocalists who sing way outside their comfort ranges or supported ranges, the general repertoire Miss A sings allows the members to sing within a comfortable range that causes less strain to their vocal cords. Having said that, the general airy and unsupported sound created by the lack of effort in proper vocal training the members received under JYP Entertainment is still a desirable sound that fits the overall music quality of the group and therefore the style fits their sexy and dance-oriented image as a pop group. As the member who was trained under JYPE the longest, it is safe to assume that being trained from a young age and for more time is what allowed Min to have the best understanding of basic breath support in the group.
Although there may be a lack of material for Min’s own personal vocal performances, it is possible to tell that Min isn’t much of a risk taker vocally and stays within a very limited supported range and does not try to adlib through her vocal performances. Instead she shows enough satisfaction by simply carrying through a song by carefully singing the melody as accurately as possible. She is however capable of creating vocal harmonies if given the chance to, showing good sense of pitch and memory, such as in “Stickwitu“.
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